Principles -

My 10 principles for life

I believe that it is important to have well-defined principles for life.  What you will see on this page is an attempt at clearly expressing some of my main principles.

Be Solid : I believe one of the most important principles in life is to be solid. This means being ethical, strong and doing the right thing. Solidly love people. Be steadfast in your focus on your life’s work. Have strong boundaries. Be consistent, dependable & strong.

Love people: Be known for love and kindness. Be kind and loving to everyone. Strive to smile at everyone you meet. Even if your personality is strong willed strive to always be kind. Love everyone as best as you can, as unconditionally as you can. Remember that "The more unloving a person behaves, the greater is their need for love and healing."  Make love and compassion central tenants in your life.

Build great relationships: Be selective who you choose as your close friends.  Be selective who you chose as your spouse.  Focus on having a small solid group of people that you love and connect deeply with.

Love your family : Love and cherish your family.  Love and cherish your children. Your children are probably the best things that you will ever help create. Spend spent extra time with your children and patiently helped them grow. Put them before your work. 

Provide for your family : Focus and provide well for your family. Work diligently to make enough money and give your family a nice safe place to live. Be the leader of your family spiritually, physically, materially.

Be a loyal friend : Be a kind and loyal friend. Strive to keep in touch with others. Reach out to people. Be warm.

Don't take everything so seriously. Laugh : Enjoy comedy. Enjoy funny pictures, jokes, movies. Share jokes with your friends. Laugh at yourself frequently.

Let things slide : Even if you are a first born make a conscious decision to be easygoing. Let things slide. Accept people as they are. Work to love people without conditions.

Give to others : Seek to find opportunities to give. Strive to be generous with your money and time. Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.  Take your skills growing businesses and help others.

Have Fun! : Have fun! Enjoy weekends. Enjoy vacations and time off. Enjoy dirtibikes, drones, electric skateboards, dancing, meeting interesting people.